Returns & Exchanges

Return and Exchange Policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase from SocialTech, you can return it for a full refund or replacement within 30 days, less shipping & handling. Upon initiating your return with our customer service department, you will be issued a 50% refund, with the balance due paid when the product is received by us.

To be eligible for a return and full refund, your item should be returned to us in the same condition you received it in its original packaging.

Contact Us for Returns

To ensure that we can process your return in a timely manner, please make sure to contact our customer service department before returning products to us. When sending your return, make sure to include your Full Name, Email Address used to place the order, and Order Number, and any other information that customer service provides, such as an RMA number, to ensure timely processing of your return.

Returns Address

SocialTech Returns
11551 E 45th Ave, Unit C
Denver, CO 80239

Still need help? Create a support request with our customer service team and we'd be happy to help.